In Basic Viewer or Diagnostic Viewer mode, the left panel includes studies related to the current patient. There are three main types of studies:
- Primary: The currently open study from the study list. This study is always expanded by default.
- Priors: Two studies prior to the date of Primary for same patient.
- All: All studies available for the patient contained within the source repository.
The Study Panel displays the measurement tracking status of each series within a study.
Image Description: Screenshot of the study panel
A yellow circle will be displayed if the series has any inconsistencies. These may interfere with certain viewer functionalities. Expand the DisplaySet Messages by clicking on the yellow icon for more information.
Image Description: Screenshot of the study panel DisplaySet Messages
Studies can be expanded or collapsed by clicking on the study information in the Study Panel. If a series is being tracking within a study, the Measurement Panel will display this information while the study is collapsed.